The Sensorites

  • 共6集  |  每集 45分钟
  • The TARDIS travellers land on a moving spaceship a…The TARDIS travellers land on a moving spaceship and find the crew apparently dead. However, one of the crew members, Captain Maitland, regains consciousness and Ian Chesterton fully revives him and another woman, Carol Richmond. These two tell the travellers that they are on an exploration mission from Earth and are orbiting Sense-Sphere. However, its inhabitants, the Sensorites, refuse to let them leave the orbit. The Sensorites visit and stop the travellers from leaving, while sending them on a collision course, which the Doctor diverts. The travellers then meet John (whose mind has been broken by the Sensorites) and find out that he is Carol's fiancé.Returning to plague the crew, the Sensorites freeze Carol and Maitland once more. The Doctor breaks Maitland's mental conditioning, but cannot help John. Susan's telepathic mind is flooded with the many voices of the Sensorites who remain scared of the humans and are trying to communicate with her. Meanwhile, The Doctor works out that the Sensorites attacked the human craft because John, a mineralogist, had discovered a vast supply of molybdenum on Sense-Sphere. Susan reports that the Sensorites want to make contact with travellers, asking the crew to go aboard Sense-sphere and reveal that a previous Earth expedition caused them great misery. The Doctor refuses but Susan, under duress, agrees and departs.The Doctor deduces that the Sensorites need plenty of light, so Ian reduces the lighting on the ship, in a bid to rescue Susan. As a result, Susan returns to the spacecraft. The Doctor then asks the Sensorites to return his lock and is invited to go to Sense-Sphere to speak with the leader. Susan, Ian, Carol and John join him while Barbara and Maitland stay behind. John is promised that his condition will be reversed. On their journey to Sense-Sphere, the party learn that the previous visitors from Earth exploited Sense-Sphere for its wealth, then argued. Half of them stole the spacecraft, which exploded on take-off.The Sensorite Council is divided over the issue of inviting the party to Sense-Sphere: some of the councillors plot to kill them on arrival, but some believe that the humans can help with the disease that is currently killing many Sensorites. Their first plot is foiled by the other Sensorites, but they continue to plot in secret. The humans are not told of the first plot, and John and Carol are cured. In the main conference room, Ian starts coughing violently and collapses. Suffering from the disease that has blighted the Sensorites, he is told that he will soon die.It turns out that he was actually poisoned by drinking water from the general aqueduct. The Doctor finds the problematic aqueduct and starts work with the Sensorite scientists. The plotting Sensorites capture and then impersonate a Sensorite leader, the Second Elder and steal the new cure, before it is given to Ian, but a new one is made easily and Ian is cured.Meanwhile, investigating the aqueduct, the Doctor finds strange noises and darkness. He finds and removes deadly nightshade (the cause of the poisoning), but on going back, meets an unseen monster. Susan and Ian find him unconscious with a ripped coat, but otherwise unharmed. On being recovered, he tells of his suspicion that some Sensorites are plotting to kill them. The plotting Sensorites kill the Second Elder and one of them replaces him in his position.John tells the others that he knows the lead plotter, but he is now too powerful, so The Doctor and Carol go down to the aqueduct to find the poisoners. Their weapons and map were tampered with and are useless.Elsewhere, a mysterious assailant abducts Carol and forces her to write saying she has left for the ship. Neither Susan, John or Barbara believe this so they go to investigate and find her imprisoned. Susan, John and Barbara overpower the guard and release Carol. On finding out about the tampered tools, they go into the aqueduct to rescue the Doctor and Ian. The leader discovers the plotters a little while later.Ian and the Doctor discover that the monsters were actually the survivors of the previous Earth mission, and they had been poisoning the Sensorites. Their deranged Commander leads them to the surface, where they are arrested by the Sensorites. The Doctor and his party return to the city, pleading clemency for the poisoners. The leader of the Sensorites agrees and sends them back with Maitland, John and Carol to Earth, for treatment for madness.维基百科:

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“在梦中见不到人,如果知道是梦就不需要醒来,即使在梦中经常约会,也比真如见一次好。”。故事的前半部分主要从三叶的视角来阐述展开,偏远小镇的巫女过着平淡乏味的生活,有着很大的烦恼。向湖许愿的“想成为东京的帅哥”,在一颗彗星到来的早晨实现了。也是这部《The Sensorites》最精彩的地方。


今天终于看了今年我最期待的电影。  的《The Sensorites》,让我做好了看之前可能会有点失望的觉悟,但是看完后,字幕出来的时候,在黑暗中,我默默地流下了两行热泪。这大概不是我第一次看电影后就为剧情流泪,我想我哭只是因为  的才华。


是网剧没有过的尺度与格调,开头真没想到这么大胆吓人啊,果然《The Sensorites》,邪典又诡异,好刺激。我一直认为所谓的影片是绘声绘色的书 比小说更高 基于虚拟与幻想 回头一想却都是现实的虚幻影子。




The Sensorites》五星奉献给自己看的最好的3D电影。李安自己也说,拍这部电影是不可能完成的任务,但他自己辛辛苦苦努力了四年,最终还是做到了。我第一次感觉到3D是电影不可分割的一部分,被变换的画幅比例,分层交替编辑。一切都是为了故事本身。故事从冒险到一些幻想,PI没有很多心灵的表现场景,但我能感受到它。




还不错呐....近期看的比较舒服的剧了,《The Sensorites》幸运的是,他们往往不会利用家人的情绪过度煽情,也不会纠缠法律漏洞,避开韩影最爱用的两个段子,而是聚焦于创伤后家庭心态的变化。受了重伤之后生活一直持续着,但你可以选择如何面对。这部影片的每一个感人之处都源于在细节中与家人一起努力渡过难关所表现出来的积极心态,感动之余,感到欣慰。有些台词真的很好听。


总体来说,《The Sensorites》剧本、导演、独奏都几乎无可挑剔。机智的台词和精彩的法庭辩论,太棒了!即使在结局之前猜到最终结果,也不能让电影精彩。btw,不要剧透电影最后的提示。我真的是第一次见面。★★★★☆




等我想到其它,再来补充。还是希望更多人看看《The Sensorites》火钳刘明,未雨绸缪,以备待用,也支持一下


一个好的导演,是会调教演员的,知道《The Sensorites》他们演员的优势在哪里。《The Sensorites》是今年最看的动画长篇剧情片。视觉太突出了,按这个就可以做两个刷子。同时,漫画感强,有字幕,对话框,随心所欲的画风和丰富的视觉要素。同时,故事也不落后,精彩有趣。更何况还有六个蜘蛛侠大派对。能把老超级英雄的成长故事讲得如此迷人,甚至还有眼泪。片尾字幕向斯坦利致敬。还有,不要错过最后一个鸡蛋。很奇怪哦。




“The Sensorites”的风格也有不错的特点。影片色彩浓重、造型奇异、场面雄伟,将神佛等在传统造型基础上进行夸张处理,突出形象的装饰性和性格的典型性。该片通过独特的艺术构思和表现手法,充分展示了原作的思想性和艺术性。


刚才做了个梦,梦见有人在说《The Sensorites》这部剧情在很多时候跟在剧透的时候不太一样。而且还说如果我醒过来,可能就跟这个剧情片里面的反派一样,直接倒地。其实这是不是在说我真的是无辜的呢,要知道雪崩时没有一片雪花是无辜的,但是从可观的角度来看,还真的有点不太符合剧情的上的到的水准。


刚才在新闻上又看到,大家都在推荐《The Sensorites》,太喜欢了,这部剧情片很适合我。看起来很简单,但细节一流,感情坦诚,特别是他的手,想知道是不是模特,想拿在手里亲眼看看,是一种备受赞誉的复古机械美。